Yunus Ege
Son of a meerschaum miner, Yunus was born in EskiŞehir in 1948. Yunus' father supplied block meerschaums
to Master Carver H�seyin Yanik and urged him to enroll his son as an apprentice. The young Yunus studied
under the excellent tutelage of Master H�seyin Yanik from 1965 to 1968 and learned all aspects of portraiture
and pipe making. During his more than three decades of meerschaum pipe carving, Yunus has worked in partnership
with Salim Şener and other carvers. Over the years, he has perfected his carving style and sculpts about
300 pipes a year. The wide variety of full contour portrait and animal pipes of the Yunus Collection are
well-balanced and distinctive.
» View this master carver's collection